MiCS&D Laboratory

Microelectronic Circuits Systems and Devices

MiCS&D Lab

Welcome to the MiCSED Laboratory at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Salerno. We are a Team of strongly motivated reserachers, who are continuously exploring the possibility offered by the edge electronic technologies and they, sometimes, try to move this edge a little further ahead. Our Team expertise spans from the design of complex electronic systems to the characterization and modeling of semiconductor devices, and our facilities allow us to conduct experiments and design innovative solutions in areas such as integrated circuits and semiconductor devices. Wether you are a student, researcher, or industry professional, we welcome you to explore our laboratory.

R&D activities

From semiconductor device to complete electronic systems, our reserach activities relay on estabilished expertise in:

    - FPGA prototyping and custom ASIC design;

    - Wide-BandGap electron devices and circuits from the characterization, to the modeling and design;

    - Smart sensors testing and design;

    - HW accelerators for AI inference at the edge.


Our group holds the fundamental courses of electronics and microelectronics of B.S.C and M.S.C in Electronic Engineering at the University of Salerno.

Our thesis

In our R&D activities undergraduated and graduted students partecipate both with thesis projects and with internships. International students are welcome with ERASMUS+ programs.

Join us with a thesis projects! Go to the for more informations!


Circuits, systems and devices

AI Systems

Design of custom HW Neural Networks for best-in-class power efficiency AI inference at the edge. The design flow takes advantage of state-of-the-art toolchains for custom model development, training, and test and for HW-friendly model refinement. The full-custom HW flow covers custom coding, arithmetic circuitry, memories and glue logic and are targeted to FPGA and CMOS ASICs, and for MCU deploying.

Device characterization

I-V and C-V measurements as well as optical stimulation through probing station for on-wafer and single die devices. Deep-Level and interface defect extraction through DLTS, admittance spectroscopy and C-T measurements for the characterization. Cryogenic system down to 10K and up to 500K. For power devices 10kV-BV and pulsed 50A.

WBG Mixed-signal ICs

Design, characterizzation and modeling of analogue and digital integrated circuits developed for 4H-SiC CMOS technology.

Smart Sensors

Ultra-low power design of AI circuits for in-sensors/in-package MEMS sensors. Environmental pressure sensors, Tri-axial accelerators, Time-of-flight, Microphones have been improved with AI accelerators for Keyword spotting, human behavior classification, lenses focusing, and thermal drift auto-compensation. With power requirements in the order of uW, the accelerators are designed to be integrated into the sensor circuitry with negligible impact on the overall power budget.

Electronics for sensing

Nowadays sensors are omnipresent. However, interpreting their electrical output could be challenging for users. Electronics play a fundamental role not only in signal conditioning but also in developing complex and smart systems correlating multiple sensor outputs with other parameters, a task made easier thanks to programmable devices like FPGA and microcontrollers.

Analytical and Numerical Models

Development of analytical and numerical (TCAD, PSPICE and Verilog-A) models to describe both the static and dynamic electrical behavior of electronic devices from sensing to power applications.

Wide-Bandgap Devices

Strong and long-time know-how on 4H-SiC semiconductor devices together with the development of new concept devices for power and sensing applications.

Power Converter design

Design of power converter circuits and PCB from driving to high power side.

Device Design

Design of customized and innovative devices for power electronics and for sensing from the simulations to the layout.


Microelectronics Lab

Tools and equipments for the testing and characterization of electronics device, circuits and systems

Clean room

Clean Room ISO 5 (class 100) with glove box, spinner, thermal evaporator and profilometer

Wedge-ball-ribbon wire bonder

Cryogenic system

10K-500K closed-cycle cryostat system for electro-opto-thermal measurements

Protoyping of electronic PCB

Power electronic for railway applications

Equipments for devices and circuits characterization

Keithley 2651A, SRS PS365, Ametek SGI1000/5 and SGA1000/5, Boonton 7200, Agilent E4980A N4L PSM3750, Agilent 4155B, Agilent 4194A, LoT MSH150 with UV lamp, Keithley 6487...

CAE design tools

Workstations equipped with Cadence, Synopsys, Intel, Xilinx and Atmel Toolchains for complete design flows.


Design and development of analog and digital circuits

Financing: 490192,00 €

State: in progress

Innovation in hazelnut industry

Financing: 1030000,00 €

State: ended


Financing: 179000,00 €

State: in progress

Leonardo 4.0

Financing: 850000,00 €

State: ended

Prototype design for diagnostic data acquisition

Financing: 47000 €

State: ended

NEMBO - Studio e sperimentazione di sistemi iNnovativi “EMBedded” caratterizzati da elevata efficienza per applicazioni ferrOviarie

Financing: 255000,00 €

State: ended



Our Research Staff

Alfredo Rubino

Full Professor

Gian Domenico Licciardo

Associate Professor

Luigi Di Benedetto


Rosalba Liguori



Our Ph.D.

Andrea Donisi

Ph.D candidate

Paola Vitolo

Ph.D student

Nicola Rinaldi

Ph.D student

Andrea Fasolino

Ph.D student

Giuseppe Longo

Ph.D student



Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Salerno
Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132
84084 Fisciano SA
